Jumat, 13 Februari 2009

Turn Off Add/Remove Programs in Windows

"Add/Remove Programs" in control panel usually use to install, uninstall and to repair softwares that had been installed in your computer. If you want to add Windows component such as MS Fronpage Server Extension, etc, you can use this facility. But the problem is when someone can access it easily.

You can't prevent if they want to install new software, uninstall, or more over change your software configuration in your computer system. There is one way to prevent the other people access it. We can lock "Add/Remove Program" facility.

These are the ways to do it. Click Start > Run and type "gepedit.msc" and then press enter. Click User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs. And then double-click in "Add/Remove Programs". Take the "Enabled" option and click OK. Now the "Add/Remove Programs" has been locked.

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